The easiest way to sell used products

List products effortlessly
Fill in basic product information to get a direct purchase offer

No need for negotiations
You will receive a quote in hours without the need to talk with anyone

Always a good price
Our pricing algorithm searches for market price while minimising the sale time, allowing for a quick payout

Effortless shipping
We will pick up the product from your address or give you a shipping code to take to the nearest drop-off location

  • 1. Give product info

    Answer basic questions about your product to help us identify and create a product page for it.

    We prevent fraud by asking for a picture of the receipt and the product packaging.

    For now, Trade-in is available only in Finland.

  • 2. Shipping & Inspection

    We will pick up or arrange free shipping for accepted products. Parcels outside Helsinki capital region in Finland are shipped to us with a shipping code or label.

    Next, we carefully inspect and reset the product if necessary. After product condition is confirmed, the product is automatically listed for sale.

  • 3. Receive payout

    Once your product is listed for sale, you will receive a payout with the method of your choice. Earn +20% more by choosing store credit as payment method, or select instant payout by bank transfer with standard rate.

What can you sell?

We buy a wide range of products that are suitable for Renow Outlet's selection, such as electronics, tools and small household appliances. Not sure if your product belong in the catalogue? Feel free to list it, there's no commitment! Our selection includes e.g. the following products:

  • Audio
  • Electrical Tools
  • Electronics
  • Gaming
  • Phones & Tablets
  • Smartwatches
  • Smart Home

To get the best possible price for your products, they must be in good or very good condition. We also ask for the purchase receipt and original sales packaging to prevent fraud.

How do you earn

When the product is listed for sale, you will receive a payout based on the purchase offer.

If you choose store credit as the payment method, you get +20% to your payout, which you can use for any purchase in Renow Outlet. Or, you can select standard payout by bank transfer with the normal rate.

Offer your product for sale
  • Impossibly easy

    1. Fill in the product information
    2. Tell us where we can pick up the product
    3. Watch your account balance grow

  • No low-ball offers

    Our pricing optimizes the value of your product while keeping the sale times short.

  • Sustainable choice

    Selling a pre-owned product to a new owner is one of the best ways to reduce consumption. Selling sustainably has never been this easy!

Want to know more?

Frequently asked questions

What is Renow Outlet?

We are a new marketplace that sells customer returned and lightly used products at discounted prices. All products are inspected by us.

The online store is operated by the Finnish company Renow Oy. Renow develops returns and classification software for online stores, and Renow Outlet is part of this service offering.

Why sell to Renow Outlet?

By selling a product you no longer need, you benefit in three ways:
1. You get the product sold in the easiest possible way to a reliable buyer
2. You extend the life cycle of the product and promote the circular economy at the same time. The product you have can be used without the new owner having to buy a new one.
3. You make money at the same time. Get +20% increase to your sales price by choosing payout as store credit

How long until I get my money?

If your product offer fits our catalogue, we will make a purchase offer. If you accept, we will inspect the product at our closest warehouse and list the product for sale. Your payout is created at this time and payments are made weekly.

Store credit is available immediately after payment. If you choose cash payout, it may take 3-10 business days to show on your account depending on the bank.

What do I need to do?

All you have to do is answer a few questions about the product and accept our offer - we'll take care of the rest! If the product fits our selection, we will pick up the product from you or send you a shipping label by email, with free shipping.

Who can use Renow Trade-in service?

Trade-in is a service for private persons that want to sell pre-owned products to a trusted partner effortlessly. At the moment, the service is only available in Finland but we are actively working to expand to other regions.

If you represent a company that wants to sell products in bulk, contact us via email.