EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
    EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
    EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
    EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
    EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
    EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
    EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones
The EPOS Adapt 660 headphones offer a premium audio experience with adaptive noise cancellation, EPOS AI for clear calls, and seamless integration with Microsoft Teams. Enjoy exceptional sound, long battery life, and a comfortable fit for all-day productivity.

The EPOS Adapt 660 headphones are designed to elevate your audio experience and keep you focused, whether you're in a busy office, commuting, or traveling. These headphones combine superior sound quality with advanced noise-canceling technology, ensuring an immersive and distraction-free listening experience.

Experience exceptional audio clarity during calls with the integrated EPOS AI technology. This intelligent system enhances speech intelligibility, making sure your voice is heard clearly even in challenging environments. Enjoy seamless communication and stay productive during virtual meetings and conference calls.

The Adapt 660 headphones are engineered to deliver premium sound quality. With rich bass, clear highs, and a balanced mid-range, you can enjoy your favorite music, podcasts, and audiobooks with exceptional fidelity. The headphones also feature a dedicated stereo mode for an immersive listening experience.

Minimize distractions and create a focused environment with the adaptive Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) feature. The headphones effectively block out unwanted ambient noise, allowing you to concentrate on your tasks or simply relax and enjoy your audio without interruptions.

The EPOS Adapt 660 headphones are UC optimized and Microsoft Teams certified, ensuring seamless integration with your preferred communication platforms. The intuitive call controls allow you to easily answer, end, and mute calls with a simple touch.

Enjoy long-lasting performance with the impressive battery life of up to 30 hours. The headphones also feature a quick-charge function, providing up to 6 hours of listening time with just a 15-minute charge. Stay connected and productive throughout your busy day without worrying about battery life.

  • Audio Technology: Stereo

  • Connectivity Technology: Wireless

  • Wireless Technology: Bluetooth 5.0

  • Sound Output Mode: Stereo

  • Active Noise Cancellation: Yes

  • Maximum Battery Run Time: 30 Hours

  • Charging Time: 3 Hours

  • Color: Black

The EPOS Adapt 660 headphones offer a premium audio experience with adaptive noise cancellation, EPOS AI for clear calls, and seamless integration with Microsoft Teams. Enjoy exceptional sound, long battery life, and a comfortable fit for all-day productivity.

The EPOS Adapt 660 headphones are designed to elevate your audio experience and keep you focused, whether you're in a busy office, commuting, or traveling. These headphones combine superior sound quality with advanced noise-canceling technology, ensuring an immersive and distraction-free listening experience.

Experience exceptional audio clarity during calls with the integrated EPOS AI technology. This intelligent system enhances speech intelligibility, making sure your voice is heard clearly even in challenging environments. Enjoy seamless communication and stay productive during virtual meetings and conference calls.

The Adapt 660 headphones are engineered to deliver premium sound quality. With rich bass, clear highs, and a balanced mid-range, you can enjoy your favorite music, podcasts, and audiobooks with exceptional fidelity. The headphones also feature a dedicated stereo mode for an immersive listening experience.

Minimize distractions and create a focused environment with the adaptive Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) feature. The headphones effectively block out unwanted ambient noise, allowing you to concentrate on your tasks or simply relax and enjoy your audio without interruptions.

The EPOS Adapt 660 headphones are UC optimized and Microsoft Teams certified, ensuring seamless integration with your preferred communication platforms. The intuitive call controls allow you to easily answer, end, and mute calls with a simple touch.

Enjoy long-lasting performance with the impressive battery life of up to 30 hours. The headphones also feature a quick-charge function, providing up to 6 hours of listening time with just a 15-minute charge. Stay connected and productive throughout your busy day without worrying about battery life.

  • Audio Technology: Stereo

  • Connectivity Technology: Wireless

  • Wireless Technology: Bluetooth 5.0

  • Sound Output Mode: Stereo

  • Active Noise Cancellation: Yes

  • Maximum Battery Run Time: 30 Hours

  • Charging Time: 3 Hours

  • Color: Black

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EPOS Adapt 660 Headphones

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Manufacturer parts number: 1000200CTI

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